Novice ASTP proton

Annual Conference
31 May – 2 June 2017, Budapest

year’s theme for the Annual Conference is ‘Strengthening the Core & Creating Value’. The parallel sessions are divided in 3 tracks with topics related to: Strengthening the Core, Creating Value and Enriching the Ecosystem.
We are excited to share that we confirmed IBM Watson to talk on Artificial IntelligenceGoogle X to tell us about their different ways of collaboratingJohnson & Johnson that will guide us through tips & tricks on licensing, as well as several other interesting partners. Andre Kuipers, ESA Astronaut will close the conference and leave us inspired with his vision on ‘Innovation, Inspiration and the Power of Collaboration: A Shared Vision for a Better World’. Check the programme to find out what other hot topics will be discussed.

Take this opportunity to extend your network with 300 knowledge transfer enthusiasts from all over Europe and learn more about hot topics and trends in technology transfer.
The registration for the Annual Conference is open and the special early bird fee is available until 1 April 2017.
Event theme:
Strengthening the Core & Creating Value

ASTP-Proton, Stationsweg 28a, 2312 AV Leiden, The Netherlands | | +31 (0)71 7113511. 

Novice ASTP proton

Two weeks left to the training courses Marketing & Negotiation andFundamentals of Technology Transfer in Sitges.
We look forward to welcoming you in this
Mediterranean coastal town, close to Barcelona!

Marketing & Negotiation 

Are you dealing with marketing, business development, structuring deals and creating long-term relationships with businesses? Join this course and learn how to develop and then implement strategies for identifying potential partners (based on the ‘lean’ methodology),how to get the attention of potential partners & how to deal and share benefits with potential partners in an equitable way and the difficult role of business developer (as a ‘specialist integrator’).

Here is what former participants said about this training course:

Brilliant content, brilliant speakers, would recommend this not only to tech transfer professionals but anyone! – Tamara El Shibib, Qatar Foundation

Building and managing relationships is an art, but also in science- this course equips you to enhance your relationships – Catarina Maia, INESC Porto

* Visit the website for more info
* Take a look at the programme
* Get to know the speakers

* Limited seats, register soon!

Fundamentals of Technology Transfer

Are you new to technology transfer? Join the Fundamentals of Technology Transfer course and you will learn essential frameworks and acquire the important skills needed to become a successful Technology Transfer Officer.

Here is what former participants said about this training course:

Most relevant, interesting and practical training I have ever had, very interactive and multi-disciplinary. It makes an IMPACT – Edith van Lishout, KU Leuven Research & Development

This course was very learnfull and provided a good networking opportunity for other tech transfer professionals – Kasper Riis Hansen, Aarhus University

* Visit the website for more info
* Take a look at the programme
* Get to know the speakers
* Limited seats, register soon!

About Sitges
Sitges is a Mediterranean coastal town, located in the Garraf area in the province of Barcelona, in Catalonia, Spain. Sitges has more than 300 days of sunshine each year! In January the temperature is round 13 degrees and the training course hotel is right on the seafront, in the middle of the promenade. Sitges is only 38 km from Barcelona and 25 km from Barcelona El Prat Airport.

ASTP-Proton upcoming events

Save the date
Annual conference
31 May – 2 June 2017 | Budapest, Hungary

Upcoming partners’ events

22-23 May 2017 | Munich
BioVaria 2017
For all PROGRESS-TT events
Contact us
Stationsweg 28a, 2312 AV Leiden, The Netherlands | |
 +31 (0)71 7113511
Our networks Facebook | LinkedIn Twitter | Vimeo | YouTube

Study visit to the EPO Munich (17. February 2017)


Spoštovani člani Združenja SI-TT,

posredujemo vabilo na “Study visit to the EPO Munich”, prejeto s strani URSIL.

Z lepimi pozdravi,
Levin Pal, sekretar Združenja SI-TT

EPO AcademyStudy visit to the EPO Munich

Students from all fields are invited to visit the EPO Munich on 17 February 2017.


The aim of this study visit is to raise awareness of the European patent system among students in all fields at European universities and other interested people.

The study visit provides hands-on experience of the EPO and offers insight into the work of EPO experts, patent examiners and lawyers.


17 February 2017 (deadline 3 February)


EPO Munich

Level of expertise
Entry level



Find out more and register

All study visits in 2017
17 February, EPO Munich (deadline 3 February)entry level, general
21 March, EPO The Hague (deadline 7 March)advanced level, focus on computer-implemented inventions
23 June, EPO Munich (deadline 9 June):entry level, general
12 October, EPO The Hague (deadline 29 September): advanced level, focus on European patent law and biotechnology

Vabilo k prijavi za Evropski kvalifikacijski izpit (EQE) 2016-2017

Spoštovani člani Združenja SI-TT,

posredujemo vabilo k prijavi za Evropski kvalifikacijski izpit (EQE) 2016-2017

Nacionalni rok za prijavo je 23. 5. 2016

Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino (URSIL) skupaj z Evropskim patentnim uradom (EPU) vabi zainteresirano javnost k prijavi za Evropski kvalifikacijski izpit (European qualifying examination – EQE).

Izbrani kandidati bodo v triletnem obdobju izobraževanja pridobili zahtevane sposobnosti in znanja ter se usposobili za zastopanje prijaviteljev pred Evropskim patentnim uradom.

Zainteresirani kandidati morajo biti še posebej seznanjeni z evropskim patentnim pravom, Pogodbo o sodelovanju na področju patentov (PCT), Pariško konvencijo, Odborom za pritožbe EPU in nacionalnimi zakoni, kolikor se nanašajo na evropske patentne prijave in evropske patente.

Evropski patentni urad si prizadeva za večje število EQE usposobljenih zastopnikov v vseh državah članicah, istočasno pa želi poudariti pomen nacionalnih patentnih uradov ter poklic evropskega patentnega zastopnika.

Kandidati, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje, morajo vlogo oddati na priloženem obrazcu pri svojem nacionalnem uradu najkasneje do 23. 5. 2016. Izbor kandidatov bo opravil EPU, ki bo tudi obvestil kandidate o uspešnosti kandidatur. Več odgovorov na različna vprašanja lahko najdete na

Pridobljeni naziv velja za enega najuglednejših, saj velja izpit že vse od leta 1979 za enega najzahtevnejših strokovnih izpitov. Doslej je bil podeljen že skoraj 10.000 kandidatom, tudi iz Slovenije.

Več informacij o projektu EQE Candidate Support Project (CSP):

Kontaktna oseba na URSIL za vloge in dodatna vprašanja je dr. Klemen Grošelj

S spoštovanjem,

Levin Pal, sekretar Združenja SI-TT

Konferenca o evropskem patentu z enotnim učinkom , 5.5.2016

Spoštovani člani Združenja SI-TT,

posredujemo vabilo na konferenco o evropskem patentu z enotnim učinkom, ki jo organizira URSIL v sodelovanju z EPO in s podporo GZS v Ljubljani 5. 5. 2016

Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino (URSIL) bo v sodelovanju s Evropskim patentnim uradom (EPU) in ob podpori Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije (GZS) 5. 5. 2016 organiziral konferenco: »Evropski patent z enotnim učinkom: priložnosti in izzivi« o izzivih in priložnostih, ki jih za Evropsko unijo in s tem tudi za Slovenijo prinašata evropski patent z enotnim učinkom in s tem povezano enotno patentno sodišče.

Proces vzpostavitev evropskega patenta z enotnim učinkom in Enotnega patentnega sodišča se postopoma zaključuje in neznanke, s katerimi smo se soočali ob podobnem dogodku junija 2014, so zdaj v veliki meri pojasnjene. Urad zato ocenjuje za potrebno in primerno, da se pred uveljavitvijo obeh instrumentov še enkrat opravi odprta, celovita in strokovna javna razprava o tem, kaj prihajajoča ureditev in z njo povezane spremembe prinašajo na eni strani EU in na drugi strani še posebej Republiki Sloveniji in slovenskemu gospodarstvu.

Naša želja je, da bo konferenca priložnost za odprto in strokovno razpravo, hkrati pa tudi priložnost, da se zainteresirana strokovna in širša slovenska javnost objektivno in celovito seznani z aktualnim dogajanjem na tem področju. Konferenca bo zato sestavljena iz dveh vsebinskih sklopov. Prvi del bo namenjen predvsem seznanitvi z aktualnim dogajanjem, vezanim na vzpostavitev evropskega patenta z enotnim učinkom in Enotnega patentnega sodišča, ki vključuje tudi Center za arbitražo in mediacijo s sedežem v Ljubljani in Lizboni. V drugem delu, pa bo težišče na razpravi o tem, kaj evropski patent z enotnim učinkom pomeni za slovensko in evropsko gospodarstvo, še posebej v luči intenzivne izvozne narave slovenskega gospodarstva, za katerega je svoboda delovanja na tujih trgih še kako pomembna. V želji, da bi vzbudili zanimanje kar najširšega kroga zainteresirane javnosti, smo na dogodek povabili širok nabor domačih in tujih deležnikov.

Z organizacijo tega dogodka bo URSIL obeležil tudi 25-letnico svojega obstoja in svetovni dan intelektualne lastnine (26. april).

Konferenca bo potekala 5. maja 2016 v prostorih Gospodarske zbornice Slovenija (Dvorana A v 1. nadstropju, Dimičeva 13, Ljubljana) od 8.30 do 17.00 ure v slovenskem jeziku ob hkratnem tolmačenju v angleški jezik.

Udeležba na konferenci je brezplačna, prosimo pa vas, da svojo udeležbo prijavite prek elektronske prijavnice na spletni strani: najkasneje do 29. aprila 2016, saj je število mest omejeno.

Vljudno vabljeni!

Impact of Science


posredujemo informacije o mreži AESIS z vabilom k članstvu, vabilom na konferenco in seminar 9. in 10. junija 2016, prošnjo po promociji dogodkov s strani mreže AESIS ter informacije o ugodnostih za člane Slovenske TTmreže (Združenja SI-TT)

Z lepimi pozdravi,
Levin Pal, sekretar Združenja SI-TT

AESIS, a network that has been established in the summer of 2015 with a specific focus on assessing and stimulating the societal impact of science. Chair of this network is Koenraad Debackere of the KU Leuven; see

AESIS network aims to support the advancement and evaluation of the societal impact of science in all its aspects, by bringing together stakeholders and facilitating discussions. They all share a care to strengthen the development of effective mechanisms for measuring and demonstrating the impact of scientific research on society and to optimise the impact on our economy, culture and well-being. While impact of science is becoming an undisputed item on the agenda of policy makers, research managers, university strategists and science funders, it is important that the experience and know how of knowledge transfer professionals is being heard and included in the discussions. From the outset tech transfer and knowledge exchange professionals have operated in the heart of this field. We therefore actively seek connection to the tech transfer / knowledge exchange community as to ensure a balanced platform.

In order to build up a substantial and balanced community we are now reaching out to as many players in this arena and offer a membership for free (including access to various services and reduction offers). On top of that, we would like to offer the TT/KT community a special welcome. It is for this reason that we are currently addressing all European TT networks with a special offer (an extra reduction for your members plus one ticket with 50% discount on the conference fee per national TT network). In return we would appreciate if you can help us with some promotion among your members/network to spread our new initiative and reach out to as many people as possible.

Enclosed is a draft outline of the programme of our next two events, the conference ‘Impact of Science’ (9&10 June), as well as the add on seminar on ‘the Impact of EU funded research’ (8 June), plus a short outline of our proposal. At this very moment we are finalising the programme and its speakers.


AESIS broshure (klikni tu)

Draft programme (klikni tu)

Partnership package Slovenian TT network (klikni tu)

Progress TT – bootcamp


Dear reader,

The previous Boot Camp received a 98% satisfaction rate, do not miss the upcoming event!

“The bootcamp is an intensive deep-dive into all aspects a TTO should be aware off! This is very useful!”

Thijs Spigt, Director TTO, Erasmus MC, The Netherlands

Head of TTOs and senior staff are cordially invited to the third boot camp ‘Intensive Capacity Building Programme for TT Managers’ to be held from the 4th to the 6th of April 2017 at VTT Ventures in Espoo (30 min. from Helsinki), Finland.

Funded by the EU H2020, registration to PROGRESS-TT events are FREE; you only have to cover your own expenses.

The Boot Camp is an intensive three-day programme exclusively for up to 12 most senior TT practitioners and Directors of TT offices.

The different topics that will be discussed, using best practice collected from European TTOs, are:

• Day 1: Scouting ideas/technologies from the PRO and incentivising researchers to disclose IP

• Day 2: Assessing IP potential, validating technologies and incentivising for commercialisation

• Day 3: Accessing finance and interacting with financial stakeholders

• Day1-3: Securing TTO Staff skills and organising the TTO for optimum growth

There will be evening networking programme at the end of day 1 and 2 with other participants and guest speakers.


“Just perfect 3 days, full of information and perfect communication”
Petr Kubečka, Business Development Manager, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding this event and/or PROGRESS-TT in general. We look forward to welcoming you in Espoo, Finland.


Follow us on Twitter


The PROGRESS-TT project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 643486

Vabilo na 9. Zbor članov Združenja SI-TT

Spoštovani člani Združenja SI-T

vljudno vabljeni na 9. zbor članov Združenja SI-TT, dne 21.3.2016 ob 10h na Jamovi cesti 39 – sedežu Združenja SI-TT.


  1. Uvodni pozdrav
  2. Imenovanje delovnih organov zbora članov (delovnega predsedstva, zapisnikarja, dveh overoviteljev zapisnika in verifikacijske komisije) ter sprejem dnevnega reda
  3. Obravnava poročila o delu in finančnega poročila Združenja SI-TT za leto 2015
  4. Obravnava programa dela Združenja SI-TT za leto 2016Obravnava finančnega načrta Združenja SI-TT za leto 2016
  5. Razno

Gradiva se nahajajo na naslednji povezavi (klikni tu)

Vnaprej se vam najlepše zahvaljujemo za udeležbo.

S spoštovanjem,
dr. Levin Pal, sekretar SI-TT