IP Booster za boljšo zaščito intelektualne lastnine

Pod okriljem Evropske komisije je na voljo nova storitev za podporo pri oblikovanju najboljše strategije za zaščito intelektualne lastnine imenovano IP Booster. Brezplačna podpora omogoča oceno primernosti določenih oblik zaščite intelektualne lastnine, oblikovanje korakov komercializacije tehnologije, oceno potrebnih sredstev za izvedbo ter njihove prihodnje vrednosti, pripravo prijav za pridobitev zaščite v obliki modela, patenta in znamke ter podporo pri postopku pogajanj glede cene prenosa tehnologije.

Prvi razpis je že objavljen, nanj pa se je mogoče prijaviti do 6. 3 . 2019 preko povezave.

Vse o pogojih za prijavo si je mogoče prebrati na povezavi, vsa dodatna vprašanja pa lahko posredujete na: ipbooster@meta-group.com

CEED Leaders Talk Jeff Hoffman: Take Your Business to the Next Level


IME DOGODKA: Leaders Talk Jeff Hoffman: Take Your Business to the Next Level

TERMIN: 22. 1. 2019 od 18.00 do 21.00

LOKACIJA: Kristalna palača, Ljubljana

OPIS: V Slovenijo bo že tretjič prišel Jeffa Hoffman, ki vsakič znova navdušuje naše podjetnike!

Soustanovil in vodil je več uspešnih podjetij, ki so redefinirala industrije in jih popeljal do uspešne prodaje oziroma kotacije na borzi, med njimi tudi Priceline.com. Hkrati je soavtor knjige Scale, uspešen filmski ter glasbeni producent, bil pa je tudi svetovalec za podjetništvo v Obamovi administraciji.

Z nami bo delil svoje izkušnje o najnovejših poslovnih in tehnoloških trendih ter kako se podjetja lahko pripravijo na hitro spreminjajoče okolje v prihodnosti.


izkoristite edinstveno priložnost ter se prijavite čimprej. Število mest je omejeno. Prijavite se na tej povezavi.

DODATNE INFORMACIJE so na tej povezavi.

Vabilo na 12. Zbor Združenja SI-TT

Spoštovani člani Združenja SI-TT,

vljudno vabljeni na 12. zbor članov Združenja SI-TT, ki bo dne 17.12.2018 ob 9:00 na sedežu Združenja SI-TT (soba C86).


  1. Imenovanje delovnih organov zbora članov (delovnega predsedstva, zapisnikarja, dveh overiteljev zapisnika in verifikacijske komisije) ter sprejem dnevnega reda;

  2. Pregled  in potrditev zapisnika 11. Zbora članov Združenja SI-TT;

  3. Obravnava in potrditev sprememb statuta Združenja SI-TT;

  4. Razno

Vnaprej se vam najlepše zahvaljujemo za udeležbo.

S spoštovanjem,
dr. Levin Pal, sekretar Združenja SI-TT

Vabilo na 12. Zbor Združenja SI-TT

GRADIVA se nahajajo na povezavi spodaj:

  1. Zapisnik 11. Zbora Združenja SI-TT
  2. Predlog sprememb statuta (spremembe označene v obliki »sledi spremembam«)
  3. Komentar sekretarja Združenja SI-TT

Vabilo na EPO Search Matters 2018, 16.3.2018


Search Matters 2018 – join us!

Meet us on 23 – 25 April in The Hague for our annual training event especially designed for patent search professionals!

Search Matters is a unique, two-day event offering patent searchers an unrivalled look behind the scenes at the EPO. Participants will be able to attend lectures and workshops on search techniques and strategies as practiced by our examiners. According to participants of previous years, Search Matters is a must-attend event!

Please visit our website to find more information.

Registration deadline: 16 March 2018

Register here

Poziv k vložitvi kandidatur za predsednika Združenja SI-TT do 28.12.2017

Spoštovani člani Združenja SI-TT,

V skladu s 15. členom Pravil Združenja SI-TT prevzemamo iniciativo za izvedbo volitev novih organov Združenja SI-TT in pozivamo zainteresirane člane združenja k vložitvi kandidature za predsednika Združenja SI-TT.
obveščamo vas, da bo z dnem 22.1.2018 potekel mandat predsednici in članom organov Združenja SI-TT (tj. upravnemu in nadzornemu odboru).

Kandidatura mora poleg osebnih podatkov kandidata vsebovati tudi ime predlagatelja, pisno soglasje kandidata h kandidaturi, življenjepis kandidata, povzetek predloga programa delovanja združenja v naslednjem triletnem mandatnem obdobju ter predlog sestave upravnega odbora in nadzornega odbora Združenja SI-TT.

Med vsemi prejetimi kandidaturami, ki jih prosim pošljite po elektronski pošti na naslov levin.pal@ijs.si najkasneje do 28.12.2018, bomo člani združenja na zboru članov, ki bo predvidoma 12.1.2018 na Institutu Jožef Stefan v Ljubljani – vabilo z gradivi vam pošljemo en teden pred Zborom, izvolili nove organe združenja SI-TT.

Za vse morebitne dodatne informacije smo vam z veseljem na razpolago.

V imenu Upravnega odbora Združenja SI-TT,

Levin Pal, sekretar Združenja SI-TT

Novice ASTP proton

Annual Conference
31 May – 2 June 2017, Budapest

year’s theme for the Annual Conference is ‘Strengthening the Core & Creating Value’. The parallel sessions are divided in 3 tracks with topics related to: Strengthening the Core, Creating Value and Enriching the Ecosystem.
We are excited to share that we confirmed IBM Watson to talk on Artificial IntelligenceGoogle X to tell us about their different ways of collaboratingJohnson & Johnson that will guide us through tips & tricks on licensing, as well as several other interesting partners. Andre Kuipers, ESA Astronaut will close the conference and leave us inspired with his vision on ‘Innovation, Inspiration and the Power of Collaboration: A Shared Vision for a Better World’. Check the programme to find out what other hot topics will be discussed.

Take this opportunity to extend your network with 300 knowledge transfer enthusiasts from all over Europe and learn more about hot topics and trends in technology transfer.
The registration for the Annual Conference is open and the special early bird fee is available until 1 April 2017.
Event theme:
Strengthening the Core & Creating Value

ASTP-Proton, Stationsweg 28a, 2312 AV Leiden, The Netherlands
www.astp-proton.eu | headquarters@astp-proton.eu | +31 (0)71 7113511. 

Novice ASTP proton

Two weeks left to the training courses Marketing & Negotiation andFundamentals of Technology Transfer in Sitges.
We look forward to welcoming you in this
Mediterranean coastal town, close to Barcelona!

Marketing & Negotiation 

Are you dealing with marketing, business development, structuring deals and creating long-term relationships with businesses? Join this course and learn how to develop and then implement strategies for identifying potential partners (based on the ‘lean’ methodology),how to get the attention of potential partners & how to deal and share benefits with potential partners in an equitable way and the difficult role of business developer (as a ‘specialist integrator’).

Here is what former participants said about this training course:

Brilliant content, brilliant speakers, would recommend this not only to tech transfer professionals but anyone! – Tamara El Shibib, Qatar Foundation

Building and managing relationships is an art, but also in science- this course equips you to enhance your relationships – Catarina Maia, INESC Porto

* Visit the website for more info
* Take a look at the programme
* Get to know the speakers

* Limited seats, register soon!

Fundamentals of Technology Transfer

Are you new to technology transfer? Join the Fundamentals of Technology Transfer course and you will learn essential frameworks and acquire the important skills needed to become a successful Technology Transfer Officer.

Here is what former participants said about this training course:

Most relevant, interesting and practical training I have ever had, very interactive and multi-disciplinary. It makes an IMPACT – Edith van Lishout, KU Leuven Research & Development

This course was very learnfull and provided a good networking opportunity for other tech transfer professionals – Kasper Riis Hansen, Aarhus University

* Visit the website for more info
* Take a look at the programme
* Get to know the speakers
* Limited seats, register soon!

About Sitges
Sitges is a Mediterranean coastal town, located in the Garraf area in the province of Barcelona, in Catalonia, Spain. Sitges has more than 300 days of sunshine each year! In January the temperature is round 13 degrees and the training course hotel is right on the seafront, in the middle of the promenade. Sitges is only 38 km from Barcelona and 25 km from Barcelona El Prat Airport.

ASTP-Proton upcoming events

Save the date
Annual conference
31 May – 2 June 2017 | Budapest, Hungary

Upcoming partners’ events

22-23 May 2017 | Munich
BioVaria 2017
For all PROGRESS-TT events
visit www.progresstt.eu
Contact us
Stationsweg 28a, 2312 AV Leiden, The Netherlands
www.astp-proton.eu |  headquarters@astp-proton.eu |
 +31 (0)71 7113511
Our networks Facebook | LinkedIn Twitter | Vimeo | YouTube