Progress TT – bootcamp


Dear reader,

The previous Boot Camp received a 98% satisfaction rate, do not miss the upcoming event!

“The bootcamp is an intensive deep-dive into all aspects a TTO should be aware off! This is very useful!”

Thijs Spigt, Director TTO, Erasmus MC, The Netherlands

Head of TTOs and senior staff are cordially invited to the third boot camp ‘Intensive Capacity Building Programme for TT Managers’ to be held from the 4th to the 6th of April 2017 at VTT Ventures in Espoo (30 min. from Helsinki), Finland.

Funded by the EU H2020, registration to PROGRESS-TT events are FREE; you only have to cover your own expenses.

The Boot Camp is an intensive three-day programme exclusively for up to 12 most senior TT practitioners and Directors of TT offices.

The different topics that will be discussed, using best practice collected from European TTOs, are:

• Day 1: Scouting ideas/technologies from the PRO and incentivising researchers to disclose IP

• Day 2: Assessing IP potential, validating technologies and incentivising for commercialisation

• Day 3: Accessing finance and interacting with financial stakeholders

• Day1-3: Securing TTO Staff skills and organising the TTO for optimum growth

There will be evening networking programme at the end of day 1 and 2 with other participants and guest speakers.


“Just perfect 3 days, full of information and perfect communication”
Petr Kubečka, Business Development Manager, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding this event and/or PROGRESS-TT in general. We look forward to welcoming you in Espoo, Finland.


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The PROGRESS-TT project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 643486

Vabilo na 9. Zbor članov Združenja SI-TT

Spoštovani člani Združenja SI-T

vljudno vabljeni na 9. zbor članov Združenja SI-TT, dne 21.3.2016 ob 10h na Jamovi cesti 39 – sedežu Združenja SI-TT.


  1. Uvodni pozdrav
  2. Imenovanje delovnih organov zbora članov (delovnega predsedstva, zapisnikarja, dveh overoviteljev zapisnika in verifikacijske komisije) ter sprejem dnevnega reda
  3. Obravnava poročila o delu in finančnega poročila Združenja SI-TT za leto 2015
  4. Obravnava programa dela Združenja SI-TT za leto 2016Obravnava finančnega načrta Združenja SI-TT za leto 2016
  5. Razno

Gradiva se nahajajo na naslednji povezavi (klikni tu)

Vnaprej se vam najlepše zahvaljujemo za udeležbo.

S spoštovanjem,
dr. Levin Pal, sekretar SI-TT